First-ever ‘Run for Mary’ set Aug. 13 at Redemptorist Church

RUN FOR MARY PRESSCON/JULY 13, 2016 Run for Mary Presscon with (L-R/Seated) Mr. Joel Juarez - Race Director; Fr. Chis Mostajo; Pete Clavano, Jun Llanos and Redemptorist Lay Ministers (CDN PHOTO/CHRISTIAN MANINGO)

The Redemptorist Community in Cebu City, headed by its Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion, will hold its first-ever “Run for Mary” on Aug. 13 starting at the Redemptorist Church grounds.
The run is held in line with the 150th anniversary celebration of the handing over of the miraculous icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help by Pope Pius IX in 1866 to the Redemptorist missionaries with the mandate “to make her known.” It serves as the kickoff event of the year-long celebration.
The four distances offered are 1-kilometer for the family, 3k, 5k and 10k.

Logo-OMPH“This is a historic event,” said Parish Priest Fr. Cris Mostajo in yesterday’s launching held at the Redemptorist church. “This is one way of giving thanks to the unwavering faith given to us by our Mother of Perpetual Help.”
Mostajo was joined by Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion officers Pete Clavano and Jun Llanos, and race director Joel Juarez, who is also a member of the group.
Fr. Mostajo said the objectives of the run are to “make the people aware of the anniversary celebration, show our devotion to Mother Mary and to make her known to everyone as mandated by Pope Pius IX.”
Also, the race aims to raise funds for the year-round activities lined up for the 150th anniversary celebration.
Llanos said that they are aiming to draw around a thousand runners from all sectors of the community. He said that they invited schools, government agencies and military personnel to join.
Registration fee is pegged at P400 for the 10K and 5K, P350 for the 3K and P300 for the 1K inclusive of finisher’s certificate, race bib, race shirt and refreshments. Entry forms are available in front of the Redemptorist Church every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. Forms are also available everyday at the Parish Office.
