The Joy of Love digital resource kit


The Redemptorists welcome Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation on The Joy of Love. This document bears the fruit of almost three years of consultations with Catholics throughout the world.

amoris_laetitia_enTitled Amoris Laetitia’, or The Joy of Love, the document affirms the Church’s teaching “that stable families are the building blocks of a healthy society and a place where children learn to love, respect and interact with others.”

Pope Francis also brings a voice to what so many Catholics have believed for years, that with the changing face of the modern family, it is a Catholic’s role to care for, rather than condemn, all those whose lives do not reflect the teaching of the Church.

The Redemptorist in Oceania have a deep commitment to accompanying families, which can be seen in the Majellan Family Magazine. It is named after a Redemptorist saint, Gerard Majella, who showed particular care for families during his lifetime and afterwards came to be looked upon by many people as a heavenly patron of families in need.

We hope this digital resource kit can help you celebrate the Joy of Love.

The Joy of Love digital resource kit >>

Presentation of the Apostolic Exhortation “Amoris Laetitia”: