On Monday, March 16, the Redemptorist community of Holy Ghost invited confreres of the Extra-Patriam Vice Province (in the Houston area) to celebrate and commemorate the 200th anniversary of the death of our glorious missionary, St. Clement M. Hofbauer. The group of Ex-Patriam confreres included Fr. Peter Tuan Bui, the Vice-Provincial, three other priests and five students. They concelebrated with us at the Noon Mass, led by Fr. John Gouger, who this year celebrates 60 years of religious vows. Fr. Don Kirchner offered a reflection on the meaning and life of St. Clement for us today. Also present were Fr. Binh Ta, local superior, who led the singing, Fr. Len Broniak and Fr. Bill Bueche, pastor. Fr. Pete Voelker was able to join us at our luncheon. Fr. Andy Meiners, due to a special therapy appointment, could only join us in spirit. After the Mass, a lunch of Vietnamese food was offered to all participants in the new parish hall. Our gratitude goes to Christina Ha Tran and her friends, who were so generous in preparing and donating those delicious foods. Before our lunch, Br. Clement Furno was saluted with a birthday melody in honor of his name’s day. A good time was had by all, with hopes that there will be more contact and meeting between the two local communities of the common Redemptorist family.

Fr. John Gouger, who presided at the Mass, with Fr. Peter Tuan Bui, Vice Provincial of the Extra-Patriam Vice Province
Submitted by Fathers Don Kirchner, Binh Ta and John Gouger; photos by Sebastian
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