Fr. Rogerio Gomes Elected New Superior General of CSsR Congregation

Fr. Rogerio Gomes Elected New Superior General of CSsR Congregation

Today as we celebrate the birthday of St. Alphonsus, We the Redemptorist family get a new Superior General, Fr. Rogerio Gomes, CSsR, former consultor general from the Province of Sao Paolo, Brazil. Many Congratulations.



Province of São Paulo (2300)

Born on 07.10.1974

Alterosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil

First Profession: 27.01.2002

Final Profession: 25.06.2005

Ordination: 10.06.2006

Jardim Oratório Communities            2002, 2003-2007

Jesus Child Parish                                2004-2005

Santa Luzia Parish – Campinas-SP      2006-2006

Formator, Alfonsianum                      2006-2007

Colaborador del Grupo de Trabajo    2005-2006

Professor, ITESP, São Paulo-SP           2007-2011

Professor, EDT, São Paulo-SP 2008-2011

Professor, FSB, São Paulo                   2011-2011

Professor, Hospitaller Brothers Seminary 2010-2010

Professor, Alfonsiana Academy          2013- 2016

General Consultor                              2016 – 2022

Knows and speaks: Portugués, Italiano, Español, Inglés