Capitoli Generali – lista –

Nota: La numerazione dei capitoli come accettata negli Acta pubblicati non tiene conto di quelli tenuti durante i disordini causati dal Regolamento né di quelli tenuti dalla Congregazione nel Regno delle Due Sicilie nel 1854 e 1855.

I – 1749 Ciorani: The Pontifical Rule was formally accepted. St. Alphonsus was elected Rector Major for life.
II – 1755 Ciorani: There was some discussion of constitutions (statutes).
Ill -1764 Pagani: Constitutio11s (statutes) were discussed :and adopted.
1783 Ciorani: The general chapter held for the. Congregation in the Kingdom of Naples formulated decisions in view of the the Regolamento of 1780 and elected Father Andrea Villani coadjutor to St. Alphonsus with right of succession.
1785 Scifelli: The general chapter of the Congregation in the
Papal States formulated constitutions and elected Father
Francesco De Paola Rector Major and Superior General.
IV – 1793 Pagani: The general chapter of the reunited Congregation
elected Father Pietro Paolo Blasucci Rector Major and revised the constitutions (statutes);
V – 1802 Pagani: . Further revision of constitutions (statutes).
VI – 1817 Pagani: Elected Father Nicola Mansione Rector Major.
VII – 1824 Pagani: Elt;!cted Father Celestino Maria Code Rector Major.
VIII – 1832 Pagani: Elected Father Giovanni Camillo Ripoli Rector Major.
1854 Pagani: The general chapter convoked by Cardinal Cosenza,
Apostolic Visitor, elected Father Giuseppe Lordi Rector Major
of the Congregation in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.
1855 Pagani: Elected Father Celestino Maria Berruti Rector Major
of the Congregation in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.
IX – 1855 Rome: Elected Father Nicholas Mauron Superior General
and Rector Major. In 1869 his jurisdiction extended to the
Congregation in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies as well as
to the Transalpine Congregation.
X – 1894 Rome: Elected Father Matthias Raus Superior General and
Rector Major.
XI – 1909 Rome: Accepted the resignation of Father Raus and elected
Father Patrick Murray Superior General and Rector Major.
XII – 1921 Rome: Adapted Rule and constitutions (statutes) to the code
of Canon Law.
XIII – 1936 Rome: Some slight revision of constitutions (statutes).
XIV – 1947 Rome: Accepted the resignation of Father Murray and elected
Father Leonard Buijs Superior General and Rector Major.
XV – 1954 Rome: Elected Father William Gaudreau Superior General
and Rector Major and commissioned a revision of the
constitutions (statutes).
XVI – 1963 Rome: Formulated a revision of the Pontifical Rule, from
this chapter named constitutions.
XVII – 1967-69 Rome: Revised existing constitutions and statutes in accordance with the motu proprio of Paul VI, Ecclesiae Sanctae
of 6th August 1966. Accepted the resignation of Father William Gaudreau and elected Father Tarcisio Amaral Superior General for a term of six years.
XVIII – 1973 Rome: Postponed ratification of constitutions and statutes
revised in the previous chapter. Elected Father Josef Pfab
Superior General for a term of six years.
XIX – 1979 Rome: Reviewed and accepted the constitutions and statutes
as revised in XVII chapter of 1967-69. Elected Father Josef
Pfab for a further term of six years.
XX – 1985 Rome: Elected Father Juan Manuel Lasso de la Vega y Miranda Superior General for a term of six years.
XXI – 1991 Brazil, General Chapter, Itaici.
XXII – 1997 West End – USA.
XXIII – 2003 Rome, Italy, General Chapter
XXIV – 2009 Rome, Italy, General Chapter
XXV – 2016 Pattaya -Tailand, General Chapter