4. Profile of the Redemptorist confrere shaped by this new vision, english

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The XXIV General Chapter, before entering into a profile of the Redemptorist formed in the vision of the Congregational structure of Conferences, redacted a “Profile of the Conference”.  Numbers 6.1 to 6.11 present the “Profile of the Conference” and numbers 6.12 to 6.13 presents the “Profile of the Redemptorist shaped by this new vision”.  This section in the final documents of the XXIV General Chapter is introduced by an Epilogue.


The General Chapter requested that this Epilogue from the Instrumentum laboris be included as a description of a Conference and a Redemptorist confrere shaped and formed by this vision of restructuring.

Profile of the Conference

6.1. In the past, Units have done courageous work, in some cases through bi‐lateral or multi‐lateral arrangements with other Units, in consultation with the General Council. However, the pastoral urgencies of our time demand a structure that embraces a broader vision and facilitates wider missionary discernment and decision‐making.

6.2. A Conference can provide an opportunity for a major review of the life and work of Redemptorists within its boundaries. It is a forum for pastoral discernment in a way that is different from the discernment by a Unit alone or among a few Units. It is a forum where local needs can be taken seriously but seen in a larger context.

6.3. Within a Conference, the challenge of missionary vitality goes beyond immediate national boundaries. This will help us overcome provincialism and broaden our appreciation of the call to evangelize in the world today.

6.4. A Conference is better able to give security to new apostolic initiatives. A Conference will also be better able to give a sense of security to fragile Units. (In the past, such security often came from powerful mother Provinces.)

6.5. As a structure, a Conference provides greater appreciation for the need to preserve and develop the various liturgical rites within the Congregation.

6.6. In terms of economic resources, a Conference could have systems and processes that would allow for greater equity and solidarity, and more effective discernment of the needs of the mission.

6.7. A Conference helps discern better the possibilities and priorities of, the initiatives for and the invitations to mission.

6.8. A Conference provides a wider horizon for the identity of the next generation of Redemptorists.

6.9. A Conference helps provide direction, vision and policy for initial and ongoing formation.

6.10. The establishment of and support for international and interprovincial communities is primarily the responsibility of a Conference.

6.11. A Conference assists the General Government in its governance of the Congregation as a whole.

A Profile of the Redemptorist confrere shaped by this new vision

6.12. The principles of restructuring assure the continuity of our fundamental identity and mission as Redemptorists in the Church and in the world. At the same time, they call for new realities and structures that would give fresh impetus to that mission and identity.

6.13. This is a possible profile of a confrere in a re‐structured Congregation.

6.14. This confrere would participate in a novitiate program of various Units, usually belonging to the same Conference. He would interact with confreres from other countries, cultures, and maybe even languages.

6.15. During his initial formation he would learn about the charism of the Congregation and the special gifts and apostolates of his own Unit. He would understand from our history that constant renewal and restructuring have been vital for the continuity and continuation of our mission.

6.16. When he makes his vows, his commitment will be to the whole Congregation and not simply to a particular Unit. This commitment will be given practical expression in the Unit and the Conference to which he belongs. He will need to have a wider grasp of the changing circumstances, human realities, and apostolic priorities not only of his Unit but of the entire Conference to which his Unit belongs. He will, for example, have to learn about the phenomenon of migrants within the geographic area of his Conference. He will, to give another example, be able to participate in the ministry of Redemptorist shrines within his Conference, a ministry growing in importance within the modern phenomenon of popular religious devotion.

6.17. Above all, he will know that he belongs to and willingly participates in the mission of a world‐wide Congregation that takes seriously the challenge of being alert to the signs of the times, and making vital apostolic decisions that respond ever anew to our call to mission.