Discover more about the Redemptorist Missionary Vocation!
The month of November each year we Redemptorists celebrate as the month of the Redemptorist Missionary Vocation. It is a special month for us Redemptorists as it was on the 9th of November 1732 that St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori founded the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer as a response to the call he experienced coming from Jesus through the poor shepherds and goatherds of Scala in the south of Italy.
This year as we celebrate 291 years of the founding of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, the Redemptorists, we present a short YouTube video serving to highlight the Redemptorist Missionary vocation which is a call to young men to join the Redemptorist Congregation as either Brothers or Priests who dedicate themselves to Jesus Our Redeemer as his Missionaries of Hope in his very footsteps.
This video prepared by the Redemptorist Communications Office in Rome in Italian, Spanish, English, Portuguese and French, has a Redemptorist Priest and a Redemptorist Brother speak about the Redemptorist Missionary vocation and serves as an invitation to young men to reflect on God’s call to follow Jesus Our Saviour in proclaiming Good News to the poor and the most abandoned. It is also an invitation to lay men and women to be part of the larger Redemptorist family as Redemptorist Lay Missionaries, Associates and Collaborators in our partnership for Mission.
We invite you dear Confreres, Redemptoristine Sisters, Redemptorist Partners for Mission to circulate and spread this video among your associates, parishioners, and friends so that through this presentation the Lord may touch the hearts of young men to offer their lives as Redemptorist Missionaries as well as lay men and women to be part of our Redemptorist Partners for Mission. We also invite you to pray during this month in your communities, parishes and centres of ministry that the Lord of the harvest send labourers to his harvest in and through our Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer.
Joseph Ivel Mendanha, C.SS.R.
General Consultor
Please join us in praying for Vocations to the Redemptorist family
we thank you for the blessings you have given us in Christ our Redeemer.
Let your Spirit overshadow your people,
making your gentle invitation heard in many hearts.
Lord of the Harvest, bless the Redemptorist family
throughout the world with many vocations,
so that those in greatest need
will experience the Good News of Redemption.
May your love grow among us
and your kingdom come,
through Christ our Lord.
Prayer for Vocations to the Redemptorist Family
Provident God,
you spoke your dream of plentiful redemption in Jesus Christ.
Your spirit ignited the heart of St. Alphonsus, inspiring him to found a family in the Church dedicated to proclaiming the good news of plentiful redemption to the most abandoned.
Rise up among us strong women and men of faith, afire with love for you and zeal for the mission
of proclaiming your word among those who do not know you, or who need to hear your word proclaimed anew.
Guide men to respond with generosity as vowed Redemptorist, priests and brothers, and women and men to serve in joy and hope as partners in the Redemptorist mission.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, your Word, who is our Life
Mother of Perpetual Succour,
Pray for us
St. Alphonsus and all our saints blessed and martyrs,
Pray for us.