Sri Lanka: First Professions in the Region of Colombo

The Region of Colombo celebrated two First Professions on the 8th of September 2024 at the 11.45 am mass in St. Teresa’s Church in Colombo. Fr Rogerio Gomes, C.Ss.R., Superior General, presided as the main celebrant at the Eucharist and also accepted the vows of the two young novices.

Bellodi Ajickson Pachchek professed his vows as a Brother for the Congregation, and Dharmakeerthi Shenal Pawan Perera professed his vows as a cleric in the Congregation. 

The Eucharistic celebration was well attended by the families of the two young confreres, Ajickson from Mannar in the North of Sri Lanka and Shenal from the suburbs of the city of Colombo. 

Both the newly professed confreres did their novitiate in the Common Novitiate in Lipa in the Philippines and their Socius Fr Yolus was present to call out their names at the profession service. 

Many confreres of the Region of Colombo were present at the service along with the two General Consultors Fr. Ivel Mendanha and Fr Paul Vinh, and the Conference Coordinator Fr Yoakim Ndelo. 

Fr Rogerio Gomes, the Superior General, called on the young men to open their hearts constantly to the Word of God so as to follow Jesus the Redeemer with totality and commitment in giving their lives as Religious to go out to the peripheries proclaiming the redemptive love of the Lord.

A very touching moment during the celebration was when Fr. Rogerio Gomes, along with the two young newly professed confreres, placed bouquets of flowers before the Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help while the choir and the confreres present sang the Salve Regina praying for the grace of perseverance for the two newly professed confreres. 

The day also marked the Silver Jubilee of Profession of Fr. Chandana Perera the Regional Superior of the Region of Colombo.

Joseph Ivel Mendanha, C.Ss.R.
General Consultor