Online Meeting of Father General with the Redemptorist Aspirants and Postulants

Last Saturday, September 21, Fr. Rogerio Gomes, Superior General of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, met virtually with more than 300 young aspirants and postulants from different Redemptorist formation houses and formators from the Congregation. Fr. Gerardo Hernández, Executive Secretary for Redemptorist Formation, moderated this meeting.

During the session, the formandi had the opportunity to interact directly with Father General, sharing questions and reflections that enriched the dialogue. The importance of formation in the Redemptorist mission was the central theme of the conversation, highlighting that study is not just an academic requirement but an essential tool to serve the People of God better.

Highlights of the Superior General’s Message

In his message, Father General emphasized several key points regarding formation and missionary efforts:

1.         Importance of Study: He emphasized that a life of study is essential to prepare for the mission. Formandi must see learning as a means to humanize themselves and improve their ability to evangelize in an ever-changing world.

2.         Commitment to Mission: He invited young people to prepare themselves to proclaim the Gospel with simplicity and closeness, following the example of the Redemptorist saints. He stressed that they should be curious and seek a deep understanding of the congregation and its mission.

3.         Social Relevance: Father General urged the aspirants to familiarize themselves with current social realities and to work in the peripheries, visiting hospitals and prisons, in order to know firsthand the needs of the most vulnerable.

4.         Ethics in the Digital Age: He also made a call to remain vigilant in the face of the challenges of the digital age, promoting responsible use of platforms to evangelize and form consciences in the community.

5.         Spirituality and Formation: He concluded by emphasizing the link between study, spiritual life and missionary action. He reminded formation must be integral and contemplative, oriented to offer merciful responses to contemporary challenges.

The meeting was an enriching experience, offering a space for dialogue and reflection that will strengthen the mission of future Redemptorist missionaries.

Fr. Edward J. Chacón, C.Ss.R.