A preparatory meeting in Vienna

With the celebrations for the 200th Anniversary are just two months away,  representatives from the Redemptorists and the Archdiocese of Vienna, were this week, honoured to meet the Mayor of Vienna, Dr Michael Ludwig, at his office in the Vienna City Hall.  They were able to present the plans for the Celebrations and to invite him to attend some of the events.  He was already well aware about the life and work of St Clement and was very welcoming to the group.

As well as the Celebration in St Stephen’s Cathedral on March 15th, two other big events were discussed. The Catholic Schools in Vienna will be bringing 800 of their pupils to Maria am Gestade and many of the other sites associated with St Clement on 24th April. In close cooperation with the Redemptorists, the Archdiocese has prepared some wonderful Catechetical material for the children on the day.

Traditionally in Vienna, a special Bread roll is blessed on the Feast of St Clement, a so-called Klemensweckerl. This year for the first time, many bakeries in Vienna will be selling them for a 6 week period, between the Feast of St Clement, and the 23rd April.  The bakeries will be donating a share of their profits from this product to a Children’s Hospice in Vienna.  The Mayor of Vienna agreed to be the Paton of this Charitable action.

Fr. Dominic O’Toole C.Ss.R.