Volunteers for the Mission: Letter from the Superior General to the Confreres


Rome, September 26, 2014

Blessed Kaspar Stanggassinger

Dear Confrere,

The General Council received with joy your response to my letter of November 09, 2013, in which you accepted to take up the challenge of being a Missionary Volunteer, willing to live and work as a Redemptorist Missionary when and where the Superior General sees the need for your service.

Your offer, with the information which we requested from you, is held in a file prepared by the Secretary General. The presence of this file indicates to the General Council your missionary availability.

1. As it was stated in my letter, the possibility of you being called upon to serve, depends on the various situations of emergency facing the Congregation, particularly as we embark upon various new initiatives for the Mission. Therefore, there is no forecasted date on which you may be called.

2. Consideration of any confrere for a Missionary Volunteer position will always be done in dialogue with the Superior General, the confrere’s major Superior and the Coordinator of the Conference to which the confrere belongs. This will allow for proper discernment of who would be best suited for the project at hand. Those chosen would also have to undergo some preparation before being sent.

3. The General Council counts on your continued availability and urges you in the meantime to remain active, available and committed to the mission within your Unit until such time that you are called by the Superior General.

4. At the moment, we do not foresee anyone being called upon before the end of 2014. However, we pray that you will continue to keep alive your missionary zeal and openness to the needs of the Congregation by going the extra mile to prepare yourself for such an eventuality particularly through the learning of the official languages of the Congregation (Spanish, English, Italian).

The process of restructuring in the Congregation is ongoing and will continue for some years to come. Some initiatives are being implemented in the five Conferences and we expect many more will emerge as we face the challenge of Preaching the Gospel ever anew Therefore, we ardently hope that missionary availability, open to the entire Congregation, will be an attitude cultivated by each and every confrere, even more so, among the new generation of confreres.
With the certainty that Saint Alphonsus approves with joy and blesses your availability for the mission.

Your brother in the Redeemer,

Michael Brehl, CSsR.

Superior General