
    “With Him there is Plentiful Redemption”

    This portion of Psalm 130 expresses the heart of St. Alphonsus’ preaching and is the motto of the Redemptorists. Alphonsus gathered preachers to proclaim God’s abundant love for all people.November 9th is the anniversary of the founding of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists).

    St. Alphonsus picked this date to establish the Congregation because it is the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica, whose title is the Most Holy Savior. Lateran is the Cathedral Church of the Bishop of Rome and the mother church of the Christian world. This ecumenical symbol reveals the universality of Christ’s Church. Establishing the Redemptorists on this day reveals Alphonsus’ desire to preach the Gospel to the poor and most abandoned everywhere.

    Our Congregation numbered less than 10 priests and brothers on this day in 1732. Alphonsus was the oldest at the age of 36. Each man was consumed with zeal for the poor, especially those living in the remote hill country surrounding Scala, on the outskirts of Naples. The most abandoned were the shepherd people who had little knowledge of the Gospel; here Alphonsus and companions began their mission. Preaching Christ’s plentiful Redemption is the charism of the Congregation.

    Alphonsus and his companions were young and few in number, yet God called them to bring the Gospel to those in most need. Alphonsus was inspired by Jesus’ own identity in line with Isaiah’s prophecy: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor” (Luke 4:18a). To follow Jesus’ mission was the vision of Alphonsus for his Congregation and it is the vision of our seminarians!

    I am thankful for each seminarian God brings our way. I am thankful for you, as a Co-Redemptorist, for giving us the resources we need to help them grow into powerful, faithful preachers. I am thankful for the blessings you have received in your own life that you are able to share. As you prepare for Thanksgiving Day, please also save the date on November 9th and give thanks to God for guiding the Redemptorists to serve the poor.

    In Christ the Redeemer,


    Father John K. Schmidt, C.Ss.R.
    Director, Co-Redemptorist Association



    In this place, part of the Monastery of OSSR, with a sober celebration presided by Mgr. Thomas Falcoja born the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer.