The preparatory commission for the 25th General Chapter is meeting in Pattaya, Thailand, from 30th of November to 3rd December, 2015. Superior General Fr. Michael Brehl is also present for the meeting. Since Pattaya is going to be the venue of the General Chapter, this meetings envisions a realistic evaluation and planning in preparation to it.

Apart from Fr. Michael Brehl, CSsR, and the coordinator of the preparatory commission Fr. Brendan Kelly, Fr. Enrique López, C.Ss.R. (Consultor General), Bro. Jeffrey Rolle, C.Ss.R. (Consultor General), Fr. Clement Campos, C.Ss.R. (Moderator), Fr. Joaquim Parron, C.Ss.R (Moderator), Fr. Kevin O’Neill, C.Ss.R (Moderator), Fr. Pedro López Calvo, C.Ss.R. (Author), Fr. Steve Rehrauer, C.Ss.R (Author), Fr. Jovencio Ma, C.Ss.R. (Coordinator, Asia-Oceania), Fr. Michael Picharn, C.Ss.R. (Thailand) and Fr. Biju Madathikunnel, C.Ss.R., (Communications) are taking part in the meeting.

“The Ordinary General Chapter, convoked by the superior general every six years, is the primary and representative organ responsible for the apostolic life of the Congregation. It is the role of the General Chapter to care for the interests of the apostolic life of the entire Institute, to strengthen the links that bind its individual parts together, and to further the adaptation of the institutions and norms of life in the Congregation to the needs of the Church and humanity. The general chapter carefully examines the mission of the Congregation in accordance with the spirit of the founder and its sound traditions.”

The Phase I of the General Chapter, at Conference level, is due to begin in January 2016. The Phase I meetings are basically intended to ensure more participation of the members of the Congregation in the process of the General Chapter.

Biju Madathikunnel, CSsR