Manila – To ensure good governance and an action-oriented policy for the common good, the new leaders of the Philippines should adopt the approach of mercy: this is what Redemptorist Fr. Amado Picardal, executive Secretary of the Episcopal Commission for Basic Ecclesial Communities, of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines says, in view of the general elections to be held on May 9. As reported: “what the country needs is a governance enriched by mercy”. Recalling the time of the Jubilee, “it would be appropriate to look at mercy as one of the main qualities to look for in political candidates, he says.

But what does to “be merciful” mean for political leaders? Fr. Picardal, who has been on the island of Mindanao for a long time, responds indicating people who “do their best so that justice and peace prevail”.
“Tough and ruthless leaders have emerged at different times in the past, with disastrous results”, he notes, referring to the time of the dictatorship. “If elected leaders have no mercy, people will end up in a society where terror reigns, human rights are violated, the rule of law is ignored”, he continues.
“Compassionate leaders are aware and concerned about the situation of the people, especially the poor and marginalized. They make sure that economy does not exclude anyone, and environment is not destroyed”, he added. “Leaders animated by mercy – he concludes – are not corrupt and do not tolerate corruption”. (Agenzia Fides 13/04/2016)