Opening the process of an alleged miracle attributed to Conchita Barrecheguren


     On May 8th, Bishop D. Jesús Murgui, the bishop of the of the Diocese of Orihuela-Alicante (Spain), presided over the opening session of the diocesan process on an alleged cure attributed to the intercession of the servant of God, Maria de la Concepción García – Conchita – Barrecheguren García. In the presence of the numerous faithful, the provincial superior of the Redemptorists, Fr. José Luis Bartolomé, the Redemptorists of the community of Valencia and Zaragoza, and the Oblate Sisters of the Most Holy Redeemer of Alicante, the members of the tribunal and the vice-postulator, the Redemptorist p. Francisco Tejerizo took the oath.

    Conchita Barrecheguren and Fencesco Barrechegure

    The Cause is sponsored by the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer who is also acting on the Cause of the Redemptorist Fr. Barrecheguren Francisco (1881-1957), father of the Servant of God. This widower Barrecheguren Francisco, entered the Congregation in 1947, he was ordained a priest in 1949 and died in 1957. From October 1993 to March 1994, the process on the life and virtues of Fr. Francisco was celebrated. In 2001, the Position on virtues (Positio super virtutibus) has been referred to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to be studied in view of the decree that declares him venerable.

    P. Barrecheguren y Conchita - A

    The servant of God, Conchita, was born in Granada on November 27th 1905. Received baptism on December 8, and she was given the name of María de la Concepción del Perpetuo Socorro. The father personally took care of her cultural and religious formation, and also in preparing to receive the sacraments. Since the first communion (1912), she has received the Eucharist daily, cultivating an intense relationship with God, expressed in the daily participation of the Mass, followed by an hour of thanksgiving, with the recitation of the Rosary, with the practice of the Way Cross and the visit to the churches where there was held the Eucharistic adoration.

    She was part of many associations of Marian devotions, was involved in teaching catechism and was actively involved in taking care of the needs of the poor.

    Proceso Milagro 1

    From childhood, her life was marked by a disease of the digestive system that constantly tormented her. After a pilgrimage to Lisieux, in 1926, during which she decided to dedicate herself to the Lord, and also soon appeared the symptoms of tuberculosis that finally forced her to bed. In the early hours of May 13, 1927,  she breathed her last, assisted by her parents and by  Blessed. Fr. Giuliano Pozo, a Redemptorist martyr who had supported her spiritually in recent days.

    Since November 2007, the mortal remains rest, along with those of his father Francisco, in the Sanctuary of Our Mother of Perpetual Help in Granada.

    Proceso Milagro 3

    The alleged miracle attributed to the intercession of Conchita, occurred in Alicante in March 2014, and involved a girl of sixteen months, the victim of a septic shock with multiple organ failure caused by group A streptococcus, with severe danger of life. The child was hospitalized in the intensive care unit of the Hospital Universitario of Alicante with low blood pressure, kidney failure, coagulopathy, liver failure, ARDS, macular rash erythematous and necrosis of soft tissues. The prognosis is worse for the presence of complicated right apical pneumonia with pleural effusion, ascites complicated peritonitis with effusion, with complicated generalized rash eschar (ulcer ridge between the shoulder blades). The extreme gravity has prompted doctors to inform parents of little possibility of healing. The aunt of the child, along with some acquaintances devoted Conchita, involving the whole family in invoking the Servant of God for healing. She also placed a relic of Conchita at the bedside of the sick. Although the therapies adopted were timely, appropriate and effective, it began to experience clinical improvement inexplicably fast. In fact, after about 6-8 days of admission there was a progressive improvement of the functions of the different organs of the body that led to the progressive suspension of intensive treatments. After 22 days of hospitalization, at the time of discharge from the hospital, 27 March 2014, the child was completely healed. It was a healing that in the light of the latest diagnostic tests, persists even today without any sign reportable to the pathology suffered.