Angola: Foundation stone laid for the monastery of Redemptoristines


On June 4, 2016, near the city of Huambo, in Angola, Archbishop Mons. José de Queirós Alves, CSsR, blessed the foundation stone of the Monastery of the Redemptoristine Sisters in Angola.

The first group of six Sisters came from Burkina Faso (five Burkinabe and one French) has been present in Angola for more than a year, and lives temporarily in a house of the Redemptorists, in the city of Huambo, the second in the country, the central part of Angola.

20160704_094434Apart from the Redemptoristine Sisters at the blessing ceremony, there were four Redemptorist priests and a diocesan priest from Huambo, as well as the Sisters of Holy Saviour and lay associates of the Redemptoristines. The mayor of the local municipality has also attended the event.

The archbishop stressed the historic importance of this moment for the diocesan Church of Huambo, which was confirmed by the radiant faces of the nuns and all those present.

P. Bento Katchingangu, CSsR