November 8, 2016: General Chapter, Morning session


Morning Prayer was led by the Province of Rio de Janeiro.

After a few introductory remarks from Fr. General, he invited us to pray for specific individuals and situations.

The moderator then introduced the topic of today.

The morning was given over to discussion in small groups on the Conference structure and on Postulata 1 and 2.

Specifically the capitulars were asked to look over the past seven years and to discuss two questions:

1. How has the structure of the Congregation and conferences assisted us for wider missionary discernment and in fulfilling our mission?

2. Has the structure of the Congregation and conferences presented an obstacle to our fulfilling our mission? If so, how?

Then, looking ahead, and if the conference structure continues:

1. What new ways do I imagine the conference structure assisting us for wider missionary discernment and decision-making and in fulfilling our mission?

2. What obstacles can I imagine that the conference structure might present for our mission in the future?

30850904005_863c2769d4_kWe were also asked to discuss Postulata 1 and 2 and to take a straw vote on them in our small groups.

Ronald J. McAinsh, C.SS.R.