Meeting of the General Government with the Coordinators


The Meeting of the General Government with the Conference Coordinators is taking place in Rome, from 13 to 17th March, 2017. This is the first meeting of the General Government with the Coordinators just after finishing the canonical phase of the General Chapter.
Monday morning, after the first meeting of only the coordinators, General Government and the Coordinators started working together, to see and work out the best way to implement the decisions of the XXV General Chapter.

The first sessions were to study and discuss the preface, the Message and the decisions issued by the General Chapter. Then the group worked on the plan that the general government has prepared for the sexennium. There were also discussions to see the best way to carry out the third phase of the General Chapter, to be held in the coming months in each of the conferences. After that, there were also discussions about the Assemblies that will follow the celebration of the third stage. The last discussions were about the upcoming visits of the General Government to the units and on the formation of Secretariats and Commissions.

Throughout the meeting there were many moments of prayer and celebrations, and the warm sharing of the participants created a fraternal atmosphere and facilitated the excellent work that has been accomplished so far. The feast day celebration of St. Clement with the community of St. Alphonsus on 15th of March and the Jubilee celebration of four confreres form the community were great moments of togetherness and joy.