COREAM commences work on a New Resource Office in Nairobi, Kenya

Scoping of new COREAM Resource Office in Nairobi, Kenya

‘COREAM commences work on a New Resource Office in Nairobi, Kenya’ – The Redemptorist Conference for Africa and Madagascar are opening a Resource Office in Nairobi, Kenya. COREAM is delighted to accept the kind offer from the Redemptorist Kenya Mission of a downstairs corridor at the communities house in Karen, Nairobi. The Resource Office will become home to the COREAM Coordinator and the Redemptorist Solidarity Office for Africa and Madagascar. The Resource Office will support the leaders of Redemptorist Units in the areas of capacity building, mission initiatives, finance, child safeguarding, restructuring, common projects, project cycle management, mission sustainability. There will be two Office spaces, 4 bedrooms, a small kitchen and common room in the new facility. The Redemptorist Region of Zimbabwe have kindly assigned Fr. Isaac Davies C.Ss.R. to work in the office. Some small renovation work and painting work and office and bedroom furniture is required. The new Office will be ready in the next few weeks and all work will be completed on a very modest budget. This is a brave new initiative by COREAM. Please God, many blessings will emerge from this new resource.

Fr. Rafael, Redemptorist Mission a superior in Kenya, opens the door to allow the workers in, to create a new Resource Office for COREAM in Nairobi, Kenya