Partnership in Mission (P.I.M.) Working Group Meeting; Porto


A meeting of the Partnership in Mission (P.I.M.) Working Group of the C.R.E. was held in the Redemptorist Community in Porto on 17/06/17. Present were Fr. Martin Huk C.Ss.R., (Bratisalva/Prague), Daniel Primo (Madrid) and Henrietta O’Meara (Dublin), with apologies from Martin Brandner (Vienna).

The focus of the meeting was to reflect on the work of the P.I.M. group over the past six years in preparation for the C.R.E. third phase of the General Chapter in September 2017 and to do some forward planning.

The meeting discussed the organising of a second Interprovincial Meeting of the P.I.M. in 2018. It was agreed to use a similar structure to the meeting that was held in Madrid in 2015 and that the meeting would reflect on the theme of the General Chapter; Witnesses of the Redeemer in Solidarity for Mission to a Wounded World .It is proposed that the meeting will take place in November 2018, with the dates to be confirmed at the C.R.E. meeting in September.

The P.I.M. group visited the Redemptorist Community in Gaia to assess if the venue would be suitable for hosting the meeting and they were very satisfied with the location and the facilities that can be provided in Gaia. Fr. Rui Santiago and a group of local Redemptorist Lay Missionaries and friends have offered their practical help and support to the P.I.M. group to facilitate the running of the meeting.

Fr. Martin Huk C.Ss.R., Henrietta O’Meara, Daniel Primo