Cardinal Tobin: “We, American Catholics are a Church of Migrants”


(Orlando, Florida) – In the context of the closing of the largest meeting of North American Catholics in Orlando, in the United States of America, which gathered more than 3,000 people, the Archbishop of Newark (New Jersey) Cardinal Joseph William Tobin C.Ss.R. released an interview with the newspaper La Croix in which he stresses the strength of Christian identity in the face of the crisis that many countries now live.

“As followers of Jesus, we must be careful not to exclude others – says the Cardinal – the climate of insecurity has caused an exaggerated patriotism in the United States. Everyone identifies himself first and foremost as an American rather than a disciple of Jesus. And we, American Catholics, run this risk”.

When asked about Church relations with President Trump, Cardinal Tobin replies: “Donald Trump is a businessman. He says he is always looking to close a deal. The Bishops must beware of him, because he tells them that he will be against abortion, that he will not force them to pay for contraception… And in return, he asks for silence concerning his disrespectful remarks toward others or on the deportation of migrants. It’s dangerous. We, American Catholics, are a Church of migrants. We have always pleaded their cause”. (CE)