Conference of Europe: Third Phase of the General Chapter has just begun in Perth


The Third Phase of the General Chapter for the Conference of Redemptorist of Europe has started in Perth (Scotland) on 4th September 2017 (London Province of CSsR). There are 36 participants. They represent 1399 Redemptorists from 14 Units and from the Interprovincial Community in Albania. There are also two lay people among the participants (from the London and Madrid Provinces).

The Chapter started with the Eucharist presided over by the Superior General. Fr. Michael Brehl said that: “Like the crowd in the synagogue in Nazareth, we sometimes become nervous and uneasy in the face of change. Like Jesus, we need to remember that we are sent with a mission in the power of the Spirit.”

During the working session the Superior General talked about the orientation and the meaning of the Third Phase. He recalled that this Third Phase has specific goals:

1.    To communicate to the entire Congregation, the spirit of the Canonical Phase of the General Chapter in Thailand.

2.    To seek ways of implementing the decisions of the Canonical Phase of the General Chapter in such a way that these decisions will:

a)    revitalize the Apostolic Life of the Congregation

b)   continue the Process of Restructuring for Mission

c)    deepen the spirit of Solidarity throughout the Congregation.

3.    Provide an opportunity for the General Government to communicate the Vision and Plan for the Congregation for the Sexennium 2016-2022. This plan will be presented to the capitulars in Perth and the capitulars will develop the main points of  a coherent programme for the Sexennium for the Conference.

It is obvious that these tasks cannot be done adequately during the five days of the Third Phase. So each Conference will set up a Commission for the Apostolic and Restructuring Plan for the Conference.  This in turn will prepare an Apostolic Plan for each Conference, based on the apostolic priorities of that particular Conference and also a Plan for the necessary restructuring of the Units of that Conference in order that the Apostolic Plan be implemented.

Immediately after the Third Phase,  the Xth Assembly of the CRE will commence – also in Perth.

Jacek Zdrzałek C.Ss.R.