Fr. Johannes Römelt was appointed as the new Coordinator of the CRE


The Provincial of Sanctus Clemens Province Fr. Johannes Römelt was appointed by the Superior General as the new Coordinator of the Conference of the Redemptorists of Europe.

His appointment is effective as of 1st January 2018.

The process of election of the new Coordinator had two parts.

The first part took place at the Assembly of the Conference  in Perth (8-9 September 2017), which elected three candidates.

These names were forwarded to the Superior General.

Then during the meeting of the General Council (12-19 September) Fr. General appointed the new Coordinator.

The official decree of the Superior General is:


Prot. N. 0000 – 9100 15612017

After having duly followed the norms of both universal law and the proper law of our Congregation, with the consent of the Geneal Council, l, the Superior General, hereby appoint

Father Johannes Römelt, C.Ss.R.

of the Province of St. Clemens (5000) as

Coordinator of the Conference of Europe (9100).

This appointment is effective as of January 1,2018.

Dear Father, I greatly appreciate your willing acceptance of this task in a commendable spirit of obedience according to the ideals of our Constitutions and Statutes. By this acceptance you show your generosity to serve the apostolic and community needs of our Congregation so that together we may all continue to proclaim the plentiful redemption of Christ the Redeemer to the most abandoned, especially the poor.

I offer you my prayers and best wishes as you carry out this task.

Given in Rome, on September 16, 2017.


Dear Fr. Johannes


May our Redeemer be with you always and may He give you the strength and wisdom to approach with hope and joy all the challenges in our Conference. May the beauty and apostolic zeal of so many generations of the Redemptorists of Europe help you to direct the process of a greater missionary discernment in our times in our Conference. We promise you  our prayers.

In the Redeemer

Jacek Zdrzalek C.Ss.R