The three pioneers (Fathers Gerard, Raphael, and Simeon)
joined by Frs. Noel and Justin (members of the Vice-Provincial Council of West Africa)
After opening Kossodo parish in Ouagadougou in 2014, in September of 2016, the Redemptorists of the Vice-province of West Africa opened another parish mission in Bobo-Dioulasso diocese, in the South-West of Burkina Faso. This new mission is a rural parish. Three confreres started this mission, however, after the death of Fr. Pierre PREVOT, who was chaplain to the Redemptoristine sisters in Kiri, one of the community members in Lena (Fr. Gérard RIBILIER) was sent to take his place. So, there are now two Redemptorists to support this new mission, with many challenges. While there is a parish church, the Redemptorist community do not yet have a community house.

The Archbishop of Bobo-Dioulasso, the Vice-provincial of West Africa (Fr. Noël) and his vicar (Fr. Justin) and others many confreres paid them a visit during this pastoral year. People are delighted to have a new Redemptorist team to build their parish. See below, some pictures capturing the construction work of the new parish kitchen, and the bell-tower for the church.
