Christmas Campaign: “Connect”


The “Association for Solidarity of the “Redemptorist Province of Madrid, has launched this year’s Christmas Campaign with the motto: “CONNECT”

The Project will be carried out in Trio (southwest of Belize) from where our Redemptorist Confreres and our volunteers have transferred the enormous needs that have to be covered. The project is the “MERCADITO PERPETUO SOCORRO”, whose general objective is to support this indigenous community and above all women, with the implementation of three microprojects that will help develop in general the training and job creation.

Association for Solidarity hopes to help them meet the objective with the construction of a textile workshop, a bakery and a small market for the sale of the products generated.

Permanent Board Team

Marta Iglesias, Rafael Alonso, Antonio Yrizar, Justi Sánchez, Tito Albitre, Bea Castro