Meeting of the General Secretariat for Evangelization


(Rome, Italy) The new General Secretariat for Evangelization consisting of Frs. Pedro López, Sebastián Ani Dato, Nicolás Ayouba, Cristian Bueno, Pawel Dobot and  Anne Walsh, met together here in Rome, from November 13 to 17.

During this first meeting, which was also attended by Fr. Michael Brehl, Superior General, at some moments, the objectives and goals of the Secretariat as an instrument of the General Government have been presented,  of which a good part was outlined during the last General Chapter.

The Secretariat will have an Executive Secretary headed by Fr. Cristian Bueno and it will be integrated by five commissions.

The first is the Shared Mission, animated by Anne Walsh. Their work will focus on supporting initiatives that promote the realization of shared mission as a fundamental priority; to prepare a Directory that describes the profile of the Redemptorist laity in all its diverse expressions. They are to develop a Ratio for Formation for the preparation and formation of both partners and professed Redemptorists for the shared mission. This relationship will determine stages and process of formation.

The second commission is that of Redemptorist Youth and Vocation Ministry, that will be animated by Fr. Pawel Drobot and has set itself the objectives of updating the “Pastoral Lines for Youth and Vocation Ministry” of the Congregation. The commission helps to promote the RYVM in the Conferences and in the Units, to approach all the great ecclesial events, and to accompany the different meetings held at the Congregational level or Conference level.

The third commission is the  Social, Pastoral, Justice, Peace and Integration of Creation, which was animated by Fr. Cristian Bueno. The commission will promote training activities in solidarity and will favour the transformation of society. The Fields of action will be, such as: Human Mobility, Justice and Peace, NGO, Volunteer in Fields of Mission, Integration of creation, Pastoral Penitentiary, Interreligious Dialogue and Human Trafficking.

The fourth commission is of Pastoral Evangelization and New missionary initiatives, animated by Fr. Cristian, elaboration of a project of Redemptorist Church, after consulting the Congregation and organizes Congresses and Colloquiums; accompanies the Congregation in the implementation of the Decisions that refer to the Mission (7, 8 …). The commission publicizes the existing initiatives and promotes new missionary initiatives.

Finally, the fifth commission, Africa and Madagascar, will seek to involve all Units and Conferences in supporting the mission in Africa and Madagascar, promoting and raising awareness about this priority of the Congregation, and seeking concrete ways to make it effective.

The Secretariat concluded its work by preparing the calendar of meetings and plans for next year.

General Secretariat for Evangelization.