Interprovincial Novitiate of Tietê, Brazil


(Tietê, Brazil) – Every year, the Redemptorist Novitiate of Tietê (SP) welcomes the postulants for a year of immersion in Redemptorist spirituality and charism and for a profound life of prayer in preparation for the profession of vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.

The novitiate is a central phase during the formation period of the Redemptorist Missionaries. It is at this moment that the formatees know more profoundly about the Redemptorist Congregation, its Statutes and Constitutions and makes an experience with less pastoral activities and more silence and interiorization to deepen the meaning of one’s own vocation.

On 19 January 20 young people from various Redemptorist units in Brazil, Latin America and Portugal, together with the Redemptorist Community of Tietê, gathered for the opening of the novitiate in 2018.

This year the Novice Master will be Father Pedro Paulo Dal Bó. There is a great expectation for this new phase of his ministry for him too. Fr. Pedro, recalling that this year the group of novices is made up of young people from different units and even from abroad said that “I have two feelings. First of all to accept this mission as the Novice Master is always a challenge, also to my personal growth. It is a time that demands testimony of life to the young candidates and also to the Congregation. At the same time, there is a feeling of gratitude because of the fact that the congregation has great trust in me and also because of the opportunity to have an experience with such a varied group.”