The Holy Father will meet the Missionaries of Mercy for a second time

The Redemptorist Missionaries of Mercy

(Vatican City) – The Holy Father will celebrate Holy Mass on the occasion of the meeting of the Missionaries of Mercy on Sunday 8 April 2018, II Easter Sunday (or Divine Mercy) at St. Peter’s Square, 10.30 am

At the time of announcing an Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy (March 13, 2015), a question had come spontaneously into the hearts of many: why there is a Jubilee Year of Mercy?
The answer was imminent: Because the Church, in this moment of great epochal changes, is called to offer more strongly the signs of God’s presence and closeness.

The missionaries of mercy, then, are a sign that communicates the presence of God that accompanies the journey of every man and woman and comes closer, especially to the persons wounded by evil, to the man/woman in a wounded world, to support the fatigue of the journey of life.

The Pope’s proposal, however, recalls the “Outgoing Church” that says the wish of the Holy Father, a desire that becomes the task of all the baptized faithful, to go to meet the suffering man/woman to bring peace, relief and reconciliation that derive from faith in Jesus Christ.

The Missionaries of Mercy

There are 1071 missionaries from around the world chosen by the Vatican to lead the people of God in the Extraordinary Jubilee as Missionaries of Mercy, including a group of Redemptorist priests.

Convened to serve during the Jubilee, on the morning of 21 November 2016, with the publication of the Apostolic Letter “Misericordia et Misera” with which the year of mercy ended, the Pope arranged that their service should not end with this closure, but that is prolonged.

4 of the Spaniards: (Lauri Sevillano, Carlos de la Cruz, Juan José Ferrero, Pedro Lopez)

“A gift and a pleasure to serve the Lord and the Church in fertilizing the grace of forgiveness”, commented Father Carlos S. de la Cruz C.Ss.R. when received the news on the same day.

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