Visit of the General Government in the Province of San Juan / Region of Port-au-Prince


(United States) In response to the convocation of the General Council, the Redemptorists of the Province of San Juan (Dominican Republic / Puerto Rico) and the Region of Port-au-Prince (Haiti), met in the School of Evangelization of St. John Paul II from 19 to 23 February for the General Assembly. We were accompanied by Father Pedro López and Brother Jeffrey Rolle through presentations and dialogues.

Together we reflected on the decisions of the XXV General Chapter and on the ongoing processes for the restructuring of the Congregation.

The opportunity to meet together has shown us that the mission of the congregation is above all superior to the possible limitations we can find along the way and that this process of restructuring encourages us, and we are passionate about it. More than all the obstacles we see we should remember that we are a large family, that of the Most Holy Redeemer. During the meeting the enthusiasm was evident, and there was the joy that comes from the Gospel as good news.

At the meeting, we were 51 Redemptorists, including a layman from Port-au-Prince, a missionary nun of Maria Corredentrice and two nuns from the Companions of Jesus (founded in Haiti by a Belgian Redemptorist).

We are aware that there are reasons to hope. We are encouraged by the wise words of José Chechia who, following his years of commitment and dedication to evangelization, recognized and expressed the penultimate night of the meeting: “I feel that my 81 years passed quickly, I am not afraid of the future because I know they will also pass quickly. “

Maximum of Saints, CSsR