Symposium on Formation for the Apostolic Life, in Pattaya, Thailand


(Pattaya, Thailand) The Oceania Redemptorists in partnership with the CSsR Province of Thailand is organizing a Symposium on Formation for the Apostolic Life, in Pattaya, Thailand. The Symposium will take place in Pattaya,  from July 2 to 9, 2018. The theme of the symposium is “Formation for the apostolic life in the 21st century.” The last date for registration is now extended till 15th of May 2018.

The symposium is also open for Redemptoristines, and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Sisters or Other religious women who work closely with the Redemptorists. All Leaders of the Redemptorist units (including council members) , Format o rs and those preparing for Formation Roles are welcome to participate in the Symposium.

Enquiries can be sent to:

Documents, registrations and acknowledgement of payment can be sent to the Oceania Province Secretary: Further information about the Symposium will be sent to those who register.

Please find the files below

    Symposium FLYER: 20180428 – SYMPOSIUM FLYER – Pattaya, Thailand – July 2018

    Symposium COVERING LETTER: 20180428 – COVERING LETTER – Pattaya formation Symposium

    Symposium INVITATION: 20180428 – PERSONAL INVITATION – Formation Symosium, July 2018

    Symposium REGISTRATION:20180428 – REGISTRATION – Formation Symosium, July 2018

    Symposium INVOICE: 20180428 – INVOICE PER PERSON – Formation Symosium, July 2018