It is time to promote the discernment of Vocation


(Floresta, Brazil) – The first Redemptorist meeting on Vocation Discernment in 2018 took place from May 31st to June 3rd at the Floresta Seminary in Juiz de Fora (Brazil), despite the difficulties caused by the transport strike, seven young people took part, from the cities of Bom Jesus do Galho, Coronel Fabrician, João Monlevade, Riacho dos Machados and Uberlândia; and the cities of Capixaba in Barra de São Francisco and Colatina. The group of vocational accompaniment was composed of the psychologist Andréia Espíndola,  Fr. José Maurício de Araújo, C.SS.R. and Fr. Bruno Alves, C.SS.R. We also received the precious collaboration of Father Pedro Magalhães, C.SS.R.

The young people were guided towards the knowledge of their “I”, taking their personal stories and perceiving with real elements of the reason for their vocational search and the reason for their identification with the Redemptorist Congregation. They were also introduced to the history of the Redemptorist Congregation, its Spirituality and Charism and more concretely had a glimpse about the process of initial formation of the Redemptorists.

At the end of the meeting, all the participants were invited to join in the next Redemptorist Vocation Discernment meeting in January 2019. Until then, they remain in contact with the  Secretariat of Vocation Promotion and in the discernment of vocation .

Let us give thanks to the Lord for this event which has given these young people the beginning of their reconciliation with their life stories and the possibility of following in the footsteps of the Redeemer in the Religious Family founded by St. Alphonsus Liguori!

Fr Bruno Alves Coelho, CSSR – Vocation Promoter