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Monthly Archives: June 2018

Letter from the President of the Secretariat for Evangelization

Dear Confreres, Fraternal greetings and best wishes as many of you finalize a pastoral cycle.  May you be able to enjoy some days of well-deserved...

Work-camp for the major seminarians of the Liguori Province

(Mattor, India) A work camp was organized for the major seminarians of the Liguori province, India from May 7th to 11th, 2018 in a...

Final Profession of Six Students from the Province of Bangalore and...

(Bangalore, India) Six students from the Province of Bangalore and the V. Province of Majella made their final commitment on the 8th June at...

Meeting of the Commission for Apostolic and Restructuring Plan, Asia Oceania

(Cebu, Philippines) The Asia Oceania Commission for Apostolic and Restructuring Plan met in Cebu from the 11th to the 13th June at the Holy...

Meeting of Formators and Inauguration of Academic Year: Liguori Province, India

(Podimattam, India) Our Constitution speaks about the Directors of formators in this way, “Those directing formation, in mutual harmony of mind and purpose, will...

Thousands expected in west Belfast for the annual Clonard Novena

(Clonard, Ireland) - Thousands of pilgrims are expected to descend on west Belfast today for the first day of the annual Clonard Novena. More than 100,000...

Redemptorist Spirituality Course for the English Speakers begins in Rome

(Rome) The Redemptorist Spirituality Course for the English speaking confreres started in Rome on 11th of June 2018 as confreres from nine units gathered...

The Centenary Celebration of the Redemptorists in Warsaw

(Warsaw, Poland) The local community of the Redemptorists is ready for the Jubilee celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the Redemptorists in Warsaw, which...

It is time to promote the discernment of Vocation

(Floresta, Brazil) - The first Redemptorist meeting on Vocation Discernment in 2018 took place from May 31st to June 3rd at the Floresta Seminary...

The Oblates Sisters participate in the project of preparing an anti-trafficking...

(Montevideo, Uruguay) - The team of 'Oblate Casabierta'  was called on Thursday, 24 May, by the Chamber of Deputies to participate in the drafting...