Meeting of the provincial superiors of the URB


(Belo Horizonte, Brazil) – The Major Superiors of the nine Brazilian units gathered on July 7 and 8, in Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais – to make the final synthesis of the Extraordinary Visits of the General Government in the Redemptorists Union of the Sub-Conference of Brazil (URB).

The meeting took place at the Retreat House of San José of the Province of Rio de Janeiro. It was animated by the Frs. Rogério Gomes, General Consultor and Marcelo Araújo, Coordinator of the Redemptorists Conference of  Latin America and the Caribbean. In addition to the resonance of the six extraordinary meetings in each Viceprovince, specific themes of common interest were discussed, including elections in the units, community life, economic solidarity, interprovincial formation, interprovincial missions and the process for the confreres who left.

The interest and dedication of the superiors were very clear, as regards the restructuring process and the concern to ensure the continuity of the process by the new governments that will be elected this year. The Superiors are aware of the doubts and there are some concerns on the part of some confreres, but no frontal opposition to the restructuring process and great expectations are addressed to the proposed reconfiguration of the new provinces.

The Extraordinary Assembly of the Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean in August in Trinidad, in the State of Goiás, will have on the agenda the study of the missionary project and the reconfiguration of the project proposed by the Commission for the Apostolic Plan of the Conference