Message from the Superior General for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Redeemer



Superior Generalis

Nairobi, Kenya, July 13, 2018


In Solidarity for Mission to the Wounded World


Dear Confreres, Sisters, Associates and Friends of the Redemptorists:

On Sunday, July 15th, we celebrate once again the Solemnity of the Most Holy Redeemer. This feast has a very particular significance for the Redemptorist Family: we are privileged to bear his name. God sends us ‘as helpers, companions and ministers of Jesus Christ in the great work of redemption’ (Const. 2). We remember that ‘at the heart of the community, to form it and sustain it, is the Redeemer himself and his Spirit of love’ (Const. 23).

This year, each (V) Province, Region and Mission is beginning the process of prayerfully discerning the leadership we need as we continue the process of Restructuring and Apostolic Planning mandated by the 25th General Chapter. This weekend, every Redemptorist community around the world will spend some time in prayerful discernment. It is this Spirit of love, the Spirit of the Redeemer, whom we ask to help us and guide us.

I especially invite all of our Redemptorist Sisters, Associates, and friends to join us this weekend in communion of prayer that we might listen attentively to the voice of God in this period of discernment. May Jesus, our Redeemer, who calls us his friends and witnesses, accompany us every day and strengthen our missionary availability to preach the Gospel ever anew.

May you all experience a joyful, blessed and prayerful Solemnity of the Most Holy Redeemer! May his Mother, our Mother of Perpetual Help join us in prayer as she gathered the disciples. May she accompany us as we continue to follow her Son, our Redeemer.

Your brother in Christ our Redeemer,

Michael Brehl, C.Ss.R.

Superior General