Assembly in Trinidad: Strong in Faith, Joyful in Hope, Witnesses of the Redeemer


(Trinidad, Brazil) – It has been a week since the arrival of the Confreres at the Hotel Liguori, in the city of Trinidad, Goiás from 6th August onwards. There was a warm welcome from the Redemptorist Province of Goias to all the units of the entire Latin American and Caribbean Conference. We arrived with the hope of being able to approach the process of restructuring and reconfiguration of our dear Congregation with commitment, addressing the needs of the Church, the Congregation and the poor, our recipients. We thank the Province of Goiás that welcomes us and embraces us with joy, with ample space with abundant and generous food, preludes of the abundant Redemption promised by the Lord to his disciples.

I want to underline the beginning of the assembly with the reflection of Fr. Pedrinho Guareschi. The wise words that analyze the reality which surrounds us with the new capitalisms that now emerge in the world, the siege of the media that imprisons us and its influence on the new digital capitalism. Surely, we live in a world where the media becomes something essential, with the possibility of positively or negatively influencing the decisions to be taken, especially the young people. We need a good proposal that invites us to see the reality of our peoples and our units in search of restructuring.

The optimistic and trusting vision presented to us by Father General fills us with hope. The invitation to enter into the process which calls us all to conversion and generous commitment. The missionary dynamism renews us in our desire to live our consecration at the service of the poorest in the present moment.

The methodology we use to address the issues needs to be pondered. It was precisely the proposal in this part of the world: seeing, judging, acting and our commitment to evaluate the processes that are necessary in the Congregation.

Good work of commission: an engaging commitment. Extensive and judicious meetings have made possible the working documents. The meetings have been the key in the final elaboration of the Apostolic Plan and of the project of reconfiguration with the lines of action appropriate to our reality of the Congregation in the continent.

This is how the reconfiguration of our units takes shape. It is a task that does not go back and that also can bring pain, crisis, but at the same time, it must also overcome the fears. The future of the Congregation will be great in the measure of our fidelity to the present moment.

We are called to live the process with joy in these circumstances and are supported by the extraordinary grace that God gives us. With our eyes fixed on Jesus and our hearts united to Alphonsus and to many confreres loyal to the Redeemer, we have launched ourselves in such a beautiful adventure.

First of all, the presence of the poor encourages us in our commitments. The signs of the times invite us to be faithful to the Redemptorist charism today. For these and many other reasons, it is worth continuing to take on our mission in a wounded world with a generous heart.

The Brazilians entrust their needs at the feet of our Eternal Father. We ask our Mother of Perpetual Help, with the intercession of our saints, blessed and martyrs to grant us the missionary courage and willingness to take decisive steps in this process of restructuring and reconfiguration.

Fr. Laureano Hurtado Castaño, C.Ss.R