August 1: Feast of St. Alphonsus Liguori


(Rome, Italy) On the occasion of the feast of St. Alphonsus Liguori, the founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, Scala News wishes you a Happy Feast Day! May you and your dear ones are showered with the blessings of God through the intercession of St. Alphonsus.

“St Alphonsus reminds us that the relationship with God is essential in our life. Without the relationship with God, the fundamental relationship is absent. The relationship with God is brought into being in conversation with God, in daily personal prayer and with participation in the sacraments. This relationship is thus able to grow within us, as can the divine presence that directs us on our way, illuminates it and makes it safe and peaceful even amidst difficulties and perils.” (Pope Benedict XVI, August 1, 2012)