Meeting of the General Committee for Social Pastoral Care (SPC-JPRIC)

(From left to right) Cristian Bueno, Mikhael M. Ketaf, Pedro López, Francis Gargani, Beatriz Castro, Nicolás Ayouba Francesco C. Takashi, Ibrahim, Sebastián

(Rome, Italy) The General Commission for Social Pastoral Care (PS-JPRIC) met, from 24 to 30 September, in General Curia, Via Merulana 31. Fathers Pedro López (President of the General Secretariat for Evangelization), Sebastián Ani Dato and Nicolás Ayouba (consultors) were present from the general government; also Fathers Mikhael M. Keraf (Indonesia), Francis Gargani (USA), Ibrahim Seydou (Niger) Francesco C. Takashi (Japan), Lay Redemptorist Beatriz Castro (Spain) and Fr. Cristian Bueno (Colombia) also attended.

(From left to right) Cristian, Mikhael M. Keraf, Francis Gargani, Beatriz Castro, Francesco C. Takashi, Ibrahim

Taking as a basis the spirit of the XXV General Chapter and the guidelines of the General Government, the working group has focused its attention on the understanding of its identity, role, and tasks. The Commission emphasizes that the work for justice, peace, reconciliation and the integrity of creation (JPRIC) is an expression of what we are as Redemptorists, and not simply something that we tangentially do to our mission. Our mission as Redemptorists “includes the liberation and salvation of every human person”, which leads us to solidarity with the poor and to promote their fundamental rights to justice and freedom (Const. 5).

As per the practical task, the commission has taken on the strengthening of communication with the coordinators of each of the conferences and their respective pastoral social commissions, to promote actions in the field of human mobility, justice, peace, voluntary service, the integrity of creation, interreligious dialogue and penitentiary pastoral care, among other things. The commission is aware that in many places and in many ways, the Redemptorists are involved in promoting the values of social justice and the care of the Common Home, but at the same time, they understand that it is necessary to make these works known as inspiration and motivation for the whole Congregation. In order that the values of the PS-JPRIC should be an integrating force of all our working fronts: mission, preaching, sanctuaries, and formation.

The XXV General Chapter has invited us to turn once again to this fundamental element of being Redemptorists, especially in terms of solidarity, assuming a style of life that corresponds to the option for the poor (see Final Message 18). The commission accepts this invitation and is committed to promoting and supporting the integration of justice, peace and the integrity of creation in the life and mission of the Congregation.

Secretariat for Evangelization