A Redemptorist testimony from the rehabilitation centre “Cecilia Orillac de Chiari”


(Panama) –  60 inmates of the women’s rehabilitation centre “Cecilia Orillac de Chiari” spend their days doing “Los denarios”, that is to say, making dozens of the crowns of Rosary that will be used for the Marian prayer during the World Youth Day (WYD) 2019, in Panama.

This activity is carried out through a workshop called “Daughters of the Faith”, which is led by the Redemptorist Missionaries and proposed by the catechist of the Parish of San Gerardo, Maria Mayela, of the Archdiocese of Panama, Luz Angela Tavares.

In addition to gathering dozens of beads to create the crown, these inmates are also formed through the University of Panama. The institution, in order to open a space for growth, teaches these 60 women of different nationalities who have chosen to be part of the change.

“Cecilia Orillac de Chiari” women’s Rehabilitación Center

This initiative goes beyond the simple creation of devotional articles like rosary because it has also instilled in these women the habit of praying the rosary every day “by pure conviction and not by imposition”, assured Tavares.

“This has served our growth in faith, because from our reality, it makes us feel useful knowing that we are making a rosary crown so that others can pray, and that it fills our spirits, gives us light and hope in knowing that we are in a place where nobody wants to be, but from here we serve God. As the Bible says: in weakness, I am stronger, and it is exactly how I feel,” said Diana Torres, internal project coordinator.

On the other hand, as a witness, the Venezuelan, Zuleima Coromoto said being from another religious background, however, when she observes these women doing this service she feels free inside.

“This work helps us to be distracted, it is like feeling that we are not deprived of freedom, and because we believe in one God, we are proud to contribute to this world event, because we know that we are going to give joy to other people. “, Said Coromoto.

The Catholic Church through the program the Daughters of the Faith aims to position itself as a center of production of religious articles and souvenirs of various kinds, and to obtain resources to ensure that the project can continue their march, and as many of them are head of the family, they can contribute to their homes with a vision of conversion and mercy.
