15 years of Parish Mission in Brazil under the Inspiration of St. Alphonsus


(Cariacica, Brazil) The Parish of the Holy Family in Cariacica (ES) has promoted “the missionary day” throughout the year 2018 in the communities and the Parish Pilgrim Image, which remained for a month in each of them for the tributes and the prayers of the faithful. In addition to the visits to the families, due to their celebrations of fifteen years of parish installation, the celebration will culminate with the special novena from 21st to 30th December and distribution of commemorative gifts, like refrigerator magnets, personalized mugs and shirts.

The first Redemptorist community, within the new parish structure and organization, was composed of Fr. Zambom (parish priest), Fr. Ivo (Rector) and brother Domingos (parish coordinator) on 12th December 2003 through the Decree of Dom Silvestre Luiz Scandian: “This is the new parish that will have the Holy Family as its patron saint – Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Its feast will be celebrated on the Sunday after the Solemnity of the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ in accordance with the Liturgical Directory of the Church in Brazil.”

Throughout this decade and a half, the various priests, deacons and Redemptorist brothers who have passed by here have left their mark of evangelical affection, fraternal acceptance, bold evangelization and closeness to the people, as St. Alfonso, our founder and spiritual father, who taught us, accompanied by pastoral charity and apostolic zeal.

I conclude by thanking the Province for the opportunity entrusted to me as the parish priest in this missionary office, together with Fr. Joseph Wilker, a tireless missionary, and to Brother Domingos, a great preacher. In its certainty that we only advance in the pastoral outflow when we plan our pastoral activities. We look at the parish with its communities and chaplaincies as a whole, valuing the sectors, as well as strengthening the communities of the province, like the sun orbit and circulate in search of the inculturated liturgy, integral formation, permanent mission and spirituality of the cross.

Father José Geraldo de Souza, C.Ss.R.