Meeting of the Union of Redemptorists of Brazil (URB)


(Salvador, Brazil) The Union of Redemptorists of Brazil (URB) met in Salvador on 19 and 20 February and elected the new council of the URB: Fr. Roque Silva, C.Ss.R. (Vice Province of Bahia) as president, Fr. Nelson Antonio Linhares, C.Ss.R. (Province of Rio) as Vice President and Fr. André Ricardo de Melo, C.Ss.R. (Province of Goiás) as secretary.

All (Vice) Provincials of the Brazilian Redemptorist Units were present, with the exception of the Vice Provincial of Manaus, as well as Fr. Marcelo Araújo, C.Ss.R., coordinator of the Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean. The group discussed issues related to the Redemptorist life in its various dimensions.