The DOCAT course for the Redemptorist Youth in Hue, Vietnam


(Hue, Vietnam) The RYM of the parish of OLPH collaborated with the volunteers of the DOCAT groups HANOI and SAIGON to organize a DOCAT course for the youth in the parish on 30th and 31st of March in Hue. This was the first time the course was conducted in the archdiocese HUE.

The course consisted of two sessions: on Saturday evening (30/03) and Sunday morning (31/03). There was 50 youth attended the course. During the two modules, they discussed and shared together about three main issues: The Church and social mission; DOCAT- the gift of Church for youths; Faith and Justice. The purpose of this training program was to inspire the youth to learn more about DOCAT- another version of the social teaching of the Church. The course provided the youth about the knowledge about DOCAT and the methods to self-study on DOCAT.

Rev. Joseph Nguyen The Hien, CSsR was the main instructor of this course. He said: “The volunteers share enthusiastically what they learn from DOCAT. The attendants showed interest to learn DOCAT, this attitude was very valuable.”

Nguyen Thanh Toan, a member of RYM HUE shared: “By discussing with the volunteers and sharing in groups, I myself realize my roles and responsibilities of the Church, as well as of the young laity in dealing with social issues in the context of VIETNAM.”

After the course, Rev Augustine Le Qui Phi, CSsR, the chaplain of RYM HUE expressed: “This is the first time a DOCAT course was conducted in HUE. We hope we will be able to open the future courses for other youths in order to supply them the necessary knowledge and skills to witness for Christ in any social situations.”

DOCAT course is one of the pastoral works of Redemptorists in Vietnam to actualize the dream of Pope Francis: “I wish I had a million young Christians or, even better, a whole generation who are for their contemporaries “walking, talking the social doctrine”.  The Vietnamese Redemptorists are trying their best to introduce DOCAT to many parishes and youths.

Br. Duc Trung Vu, CSsR.