National Pilgrimage of Catholic National League of JMJ to the Shrine of OLPH


(Brazil) The National Pilgrimage of the Catholic League Jesus, Mary, Joseph to the Shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, in Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ), took place on Sunday the 28th of April and it was attended by 14 federations.

The event began at 5:30 am, welcoming participants with breakfast. At 8:30 am, the president of the National Confederation of Catholic Leagues, Natália Felipe da Silva, welcomed all inside the Sanctuary, and thanked the presence of all the groups, the rector of the Sanctuary, Luis Carlos de Carvalho, C.Ss.R., and the National Ecclesiastical Coordinator, Fr. José Raimundo Vidigal, C.Ss.R.

Soon after, the Rosary of Mercy was prayed on the occasion of the Divine Mercy Sunday, with the presence of several groups forming the luminous rosary. Following, the Novena began in honor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, with blessings of objects, sprinkling of holy water, blessing of the Blessed Sacrament and procession through the streets of the city. It was really a strong moment of faith, devotion and emotion.

The event ended with the Holy Mass, presided over by Bishop Diocesano de Campos, Bishop Roberto Francisco Ferrería Paz, who in his homily extolled the need for the Leagues to work within families. Concelebrated by the Superior of the Province of Rio, Fr. Nelson Antônio Linhares, C.Ss.R., the National Ecclesiastical Coordinator of the Catholic Leagues, Fr. José Raimundo Vidigal, C.Ss.R., Fr. José Macedo, C.Ss.R. and Fr. José Carlos, C.Ss.R., who made the launch of his book during the Pilgrimage, also attended by Argemiro Herculano, C.Ss.R. and a deacon.

The Pilgrim Icon was passed to the Federation of Duque de Caxias (RJ) to carry out the walk with Mary, making her known! At the end of the event a delicious lunch was served for all the participants.

Long live Jesus, Mary, Joseph!

Natalia Felipe da Silva

President of the National Confederation of Catholic League
