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Monthly Archives: May 2019

Published: “Unity Pilgrim: The life of Fr. Gerry Reynolds CSsR” at...

(Clonard, Ireland) The book, “Unity Pilgrim: The Life of Fr Gerry Reynolds CSsR” was launched on 22nd May at Clonard in west Belfast of...

Third Redemptorist vocational meeting in San Salvador – Province of Central...

(San Salvador, El Salvador) The RYVM team organized the third Vocation encounter on Sunday the 19th with the young people who answered the call,...

Archbishop Warda CSsR meets Jeremy Hunt in Westminster

Archbishop Warda’s visit comes as the inquiry into persecution of Christians, ordered by Mr Hunt, takes testimony from witnesses (United Kingdom) - Archbishop Bashar Warda...

Rediscovering Mary by David Louch CSsR

INTRODUCTION             I was born and raised in St Alphonsus parish in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  Since it was a Redemptorist parish, there were devotions to...

Meeting of the Commission for Apostolic and Restructuring Plan at Minburi,...

(Thailand) The Asia Oceania Commission for the Apostolic and Restructuring Plan along with the Council of the Conference for Asia Oceania met at Minburi...

Ordination of two Redemptorists at the Vice Province of Extra Patriam

(Garland, United States) Pope Saint John Paul II once has said that "priesthood is both gift and mystery.” With this he means every priest...

St Alphonsus means “Wind of Peace” in Vietnam

(Vietnam) In Western Australia, there is a famous city named Perth. It takes about 30 minutes from the CBD to the estuary Fremantle by...

Call for Prayer and Solidarity with the People of Burkina-Faso and...

Dear Confreres, Sisters, associates and friends, In recent weeks, we have seen new outbreaks of violence and persecution of Christians in different parts of the...


This book “LA BIBLIA DE PRINCIPIO A FIN” (The Bible from beginning to end), published by the Spanish Redemptorist Fr. Alberto de Mingo is...

The Perspective of Developing Countries on Bioethics

(Alphonsian Academy, Rome) On May 13, 2019, at 5 pm at the Alphonsian Academy a meeting cum debate was held on the theme: "Thinking and...