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Monthly Archives: May 2019

National Pilgrimage of Catholic National League of JMJ to the Shrine...

(Brazil) The National Pilgrimage of the Catholic League Jesus, Mary, Joseph to the Shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, in Campos dos Goytacazes...

First Meeting of the Ordinary Councils in Brazil

(Manaus, Brazil) The first meeting of the Ordinary Councils of the Vice Provinces of Caracas, Manaus and the Province of Bogotà was held on May...

Meeting of the (V) Provincial Councils of the 3 Units in...

(Kanjirappaly, Kerala) The Councils of the 3 Units of India (Bangalore, Liguori, and Majella) met with Fr. Michael Brehl, Superior General and Fr. Jovencio...

130 years of St. Mary’s Church in Vienna-Hernals – Festivities in...

(Vienna, Austria) 130 years ago, a Redemptorist Monastery with a Church was built in Vienna-Hernals. Actually, the church was to be dedicated to Cement Maria...

“Sowers of Prophetic Hope”, the Oblates of the MHR in the...

(Rome, Italy) The International Union of Superiors General (IUSG) is holding its  Plenary Assembly under the slogan  'Sowers of prophetic hope' in Rome last Monday, May 6...

Meeting of Brothers Commision in Brooklyn

(Brooklyn, New York) The members of the General Commission for Brothers met at the Redemptorist Provincial House of Our Lady of Good Counsel in...

51 H’mongs were baptized and confirmed in the Redemptorist evangelization center...

(BacKan, Vietnam) As many as 51 H’mong brothers and sisters were baptized and confirmed by Most Rev. Rev Cosma Hoang Van Dat, bishop of...

Ordination to the Presbyterate of Rev. Fr. Periyanayagam Anantharaj, C.Ss.R. Province...

(Pondicherry, India) Rev. Fr. Periyanayagam Anantharaj, C.Ss.R. was ordained a Redemptorist Priest by Most Rev. Dr. Antony Anandarayar, Archbishop of Pondicherry and Cuddalore at...

Priestly Ordination of Fr. Deepak Bage belonging to the Province of...

(Odisha, India) The ordination of Deepak Bage, CSsR., took place on 27th April 2019 in Salangabahal Parish, Rourkela diocese, Odisha. Indeed, it was one...

70 years of the Parish of Saint Gerard in Haiti

(Port au Prince, Haiti) -The Redemptorist missionaries of Belgium, after preaching many missions on the island of Haiti, made the decision to settle there...