Message from the COREAM Mid-Sexennium Meeting 2019


Dear Confreres, Sisters, Redemptorists Associates and Friends,

On the feast of the Transfiguration (6/8/2019) with fear and trembling, doubts and uncertainties, yet trusting in the presence of the Holy Spirit among us, we the delegates of COREAM 2019 unanimously voted in a historic decision. This was possible because of the support and encouragement of the Provincials of our Units, who accompanied us during the Networking meeting. In the meeting that preceded the Mid-Sexennial meeting, they urged us to take a responsible decision. We are deeply indebted to them for the wisdom they shared with us, their support and trust that spurred us on. We are also grateful to Fr General and his Consultor whose assuring presence, the wealth of knowledge and experience guided us through the process.

It was a tough and yet an impending decision that had to be made. We deliberated on the options that we had, listened to each other and in the spirit of brotherly charity found each other. After the invocation of the Holy Spirit and some quiet reflection we unanimously voted that the Conference of Africa and Madagascar will have two bigger and stronger provinces.“These two Provinces will be: Western Africa and Central-Eastern-Southern Africa. Western Africa Province will have two Regions made of the following countries: 1. Nigeria; 2.Burkina-Faso; Niger; Benin; Ivory Coast and Ghana. The Central-Eastern-Southern African Province will have three Regions according to linguistic zones: 1. Congo and Madagascar; 2. Angola and Mozambique; 3. Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe. These new Provinces will not be inaugurated before 2023. As we work together towards these new Provinces, the present (V) Provinces, Regions and Missions will continue with their present structures for the remainder of this Quadrennium.”

In our quest to avail ourselves for the mission we are convinced that of the many possible decisions we could have made, we opted for a realistic decision rather than a logical one. We, therefore, commend the decision we have taken to you dear confreres. There are also many other decisions that we have taken along with this major decision. We hope this will help us to fully implement what we have chosen. We, therefore, exhort, encourage and ask that all the confreres in this our Conference of Africa and Madagascar and those outside our Conference may be generous, trusting and open to embrace these decisions. They are decisions we trust have been made in good faith, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and for the good of us all. May we together work and pray that God may bring the task he has given us to a good end.

May Christ our Redeemer whose light shone on the mountain be our light, may Mary our Perpetual Help intercede and accompany us and may our Saints, Beati and Martyrs pray for us.

Your Brothers in the Redeemer,

Given at Nairobi/Kenya, on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

August 6, 2019.