Temporary and Perpetual Professions at Lubaszowa & Tuchów in Poland


(Tuchów, Poland) The feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15 was a special day for all the Redemptorists, not only because of their reverence to the Mother of God but because of also four novices made their first religious profession, two of them made their final profession and the clerics renew their religious profession.

The morning mass presided by Father Provincial Janusz Sok CSsR, at which seminarians renewed their temporary vows of chastity, poverty and obedience on August 15, 2019, at 7:00 am.

A solemn Holy Mass took place in Lubaszowa, at 9.00 am. Father Janusz Sok was also the main celebrant and preacher. During the liturgy, four novices made their first vows. They are brothers: Kacper Grabowski, Kamil Krzywoń, Stanisław Stańczyk, and Damian Szymura. Newly professed also put on their habits for the first time. The ceremony was accompanied by the joy and emotion of the brothers and families of our youngest Redemptorists.

There was another Mass in Tuchów, at 12.00 at the sanctuary square under the leadership of Father Provincial, during which our two brothers made their final vows. They are Maksym Łabkow and brother Paweł Orzeł. After the liturgy, the confreres and the families of perpetual professed had a gala dinner.

We recommend the prayer of all seminarians, especially newly professed and the brothers made their perpetual vows.

Michał Zieliński, CSsR,

Redemptorist WSD in Tuchów

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