Solemn Profession of Sr. Maria Agostine O.Ss.R. in Lviv


(Lviv, Ukraine) Sr. Maria Augustine made her solemn profession in Lviv in the church of St. Josaphat, on September 21. Sister joined the Redemptoristines’ community in Bielsko-Biała (Poland) in 2013, made her first profession here in 2016, and on September 21, 2019, she dedicated herself to the Lord forever and took the new name of Maria Augustine.

The liturgy was celebrated by the Greek-Catholic Metropolitan of Lviv, Mons. Igor Woźniak, C.Ss.R. Redemptoristines from Bielsko were present with the prioress, Sr. Urszula Nowińska. Father Dariusz Paszyński C.Ss.R. who concelebrated the Byzantine Liturgy represented the Redemptorist Province of Warsaw.

Sr. Ewa Dobrzelecka O.Ss.R.



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