The ASIOC Dialogue and Proclamation Secretariat Meeting in Cebu


(Cebu, Philippines) The ASIOC Dialogue and Proclamation Secretariat convened an annual meeting in Cebu City, Philippines from 6-8 September 2019.

The meeting was attended by Fr.  Ben Ma, Fr. John Hodgson, Fr. Peter Lam and Fr. Willy. In addition, also present at this meeting Ms Portia Sylvia of Commission of the Shared Mission and Fr. Charles Vijay of the Commission on Media.

This meeting discussed several important agendas including the role of the Secretariat and its cooperation with the two Commissions.  Equally important is evaluating the activities of the Redemptorist Youth Minister’s Meeting on ASIOC that took place in Yogyakarta last July and the ASIOC Redemptorist Youth Gathering 2020 plan.

Other issues on the conference agenda that were discussed are Migrant and environmental.

Hopefully, this Secretariat can contribute to the life and work of our mission to the wounded world in  Asia Oceania conference.

Fr. Willy CSsR.