The Commission for Evangelization of Latin America met in Sao Paulo


(Sao Paulo, Brazil) The Commission for Evangelization of the Redemptorist Conference of Latina America and Caribbean (RCLAC) met for the first time on 21 and 22 September 2019, in the Redemptorist community at the Parish of Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro in Sao Paulo. The members of the commission are the Redemptorist: Fr. Marcelo Araujo, Coordinator of the Conference, Fr. José Inacio de Medeiros who represented the Union of the Redemptorist in Brazil (URB), Fr. Enrique López who represented the Union of Redemptorists from Southern Latin America (URSLA) and Fr. Grimaldo Garay representing the (Union of Redemptorists in Northern Latin America and the Caribbean) URNLAC.

As we are in the process of restructuring and reconfiguration, we reflected the Redemptorists’ apostolic life in such complex and difficult realities, but at the same time so rich and full of hope, because we want to be witnesses of the Redeemer in solidarity for the mission in a wounded world.

We reflected on the Apostolic Plan and on the Project of reconfiguration of the Units, on popular missions and retreats. We also discussed the problems connected with evangelization in the time of juniorate, models of the Church and the centrality of the Redemptorist spirituality in our life. In the spirit of fraternality, we accompany and encourage the process of reconfiguration, networking, and cooperation with the General Government and with all Units of the Conference.

We have started with joy the activity of our Commission because it is at the service of the Conference to support the process of revitalization of the mission and help to form new vision.

Fr. Grimaldo Garay, CSsR.