The Redemptorist youth and vocation ministry of the Province of Buenos Aires


Dear Redemptorist Family,

We are glad to share in this virtual space, the joy of having celebrated the 45th NMYR (National Meeting of Young Redemptorists), the occasion for the vocation received at Baptism, which was to be renewed, with the certainty that we were called, anointed and sent to live our vocation in the mission.

We met with the Redemptorist Youth and vocation ministry of the province of Buenos Aires from August 16 to 19. Around 140 young people participated. It was an opportune time to renew our missionary heart and enter the apostolic exhortation Christus Vivit, sustained and enlightened by the Word of God through different workshops and sent to be a Church in the State of Mission, visiting different communities and neighbourhoods of the province of Córdoba.

The inspiring motto and transversal axis of the meeting was; “With young Christ, we renew our missionary heart”.

From the San Alfonso convent in Villa Allende, we shout to the world #SoyRedentorista (I am a Redemptorist), #SomosElAhoraDeDios (we belong to God), in Mission status.

May Mary continue to be our #PerpetuualHelp, and the joy of the Gospel continue to renew us as a missionary family; “Witnesses of the Redeemer, in solidarity with the Mission in a wounded world.

Finally, I ask the Lord to continue renewing our missionary life, creating, re-creating and taking care of youth spaces, so that they are conducive places of deep encounter with Jesus the Redeemer.

Ezekiel Le Favi, CSsR.

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